What makes kidney stones so painful?


What makes kidney stones so painful?

In: 13

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kidney stones aren’t smooth, they are crystals with a bunch of pointy and sharp edges. As they pass through the ureter they scrape and cut as they go and this is very painful.

The Ureter has a very small diameter so stones don’t have to be large for them to cause a problem.

They also block the flow of urine causing pressure, and they cause muscle spasms because the kidneys and bladder are trying to clear themselves.

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What makes kidney stones so painful?

In: 13

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kidney stones aren’t smooth, they are crystals with a bunch of pointy and sharp edges. As they pass through the ureter they scrape and cut as they go and this is very painful.

The Ureter has a very small diameter so stones don’t have to be large for them to cause a problem.

They also block the flow of urine causing pressure, and they cause muscle spasms because the kidneys and bladder are trying to clear themselves.

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