What makes pipe bombs so dangerous compared to other improvised explosives?


What makes pipe bombs so dangerous compared to other improvised explosives?

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8 Answers

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Pipe bombs are improvised devices. You get a metal pipe with threads on either end so you can screw on caps. The pipe is filled with things like nails and ball bearings and other stuff like that plus the explosives. When it goes off, the explosive sends the other contents out a long distance in all directions.

The issue with pipe bombs, nail bombs and other names that these things get called, are the projectiles. The explosion will cause local damage, but the projectiles are going so fast they rip into and through bodies causing injuries in more people around them than would be just from the explosion.

There can be other things added to coat the projectiles. Thing like rat poison that often are strong anticoagulants means that wounds may bleed more than they would, or other substances causing other types of problems

They cause explosion PLUS further injuries/deaths/damage than would occur with the same amount of explosive

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