What makes seed oils allegedly so bad?


Obviously I understand if there’s an allergy or something, and everything in moderation because oils in general can contribute to specific health conditions. I also get it if it’s for environmental reasons like palm oil.

But I’ve been seeing a lot of things about boycotting all seed oils in general, not for specific allergy/health/environmental issues.

So what’s the deal???

In: 8

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is my understanding and I could be completely wrong:

They aren’t INHERENTLY bad. The problem is that

1) they’re high in omega-6

2) they’re everywhere in the developed world

3) the average person in the developed world gets very little omega-3

4) the body needs a certain ratio of omega-3 to omega-6, otherwise all sorts of things go wrong (in either direction)

So it’s not the seed oils themselves but the CONTEXT of the seed oils. They’d be less harmful in a diet high in omega-3 but hardly ANYONE eats like that.

If any of this is BS I apologize and please correct me, I’m not a doctor or scientist.

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