What makes the seasons change?


In school (US) I moved around a lot and I feel like I learned two separate theories on what makes seasons change: 1) the tilt of the Earth on it’s axis and 2) the distance of the Earth from the Sun during its yearly trip around. I understand that (1) is correct, but why does the slight tilt of the Earth make more of a difference than the actual distance from the Sun? And how is it possible that it’s difference is so significant that the Northern and Southern Hemispheres experience their seasons at different times?

In: Physics

7 Answers

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Because the difference is large enough to make the sun above the horizon for longer periods during the summer, and plants and animals have evolved in a way to take advantage of that fact. The reason Northern and Southern Hemispheres experience it at different times is because whilst the sun is above the horizon longer in one Hemisphere it will be shorter in the other.

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