what makes things like SHA256, mathematically impossible to decrypt/decipher?


i get that SHA256 isn’t considered “encryption”, it’s something to do with hashing. so, if i encrypt “hello” into a random string of characters, why is it said to be impossible to decrypt it back to “hello”? if you had a maths equation like P = (k * 10 / G) / (4x * 5gl), it’s possible to work backwards to find the value of k or g eventually. why not with SHA256? is it something to do with random numbers?

In: Mathematics

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Additionally to all the other good answers, an important property of hashing functions is their impredicability.

If I know `hash(“hello”)` it doesn’t give me any information to what the result of `hash(“hellp”)` is going to be.

I could even have a list of inputs that maps onto the whole space of outputs, it is still not providing any information on what the output of `hash(“hellp”)` is going to be.

This is usefull protection since it means that the search for a valid input given a specific output is only possible through bruteforce.

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