What makes us feel embarrassed, like biologically?


What makes us feel embarrassed, like biologically?

In: Biology

16 Answers

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Humans are pack animals. If you think about how our brains evolved, a lot of our base instincts and reactions (including emotional reactions) to stimuli benefit being a successful member of the pack. Embarrassment is the result of behavior that is perceived by the group to be detrimental or wrong or different in some way, which is therefore threatening to the pack, & your good standing within the group, which is threatening to your own survival. That’s bad. The individuals with the ability to perceive these cues, the ones capable of feeling embarrassment, are able to course correct their behavior to fall in line with the pack and ensure their survival as the grow up.

Ever see that person that just CANNOT be embarrassed by anything and acts a little ridiculous, or without regard for social cues? Probably not a lot of close relationships. Just a few thousand years ago, that was a death sentence. Embarrassment kept us alive.

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