What names mean in other languages


I’ve always been told that my name means certain things in Irish or French. And I know other people have been told this too (not specifically those languages) but how is this possible? The names aren’t direct translations, and in English (my native language) we don’t really have any names that could be translated into other languages to mean something besides just being a name, as far as I know.

In: Culture

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you read about the hippie movement in the 1960’s? They named kids sunshine or love, or peace. Words that mean something in our own language.

For some reason, people are drawn to words in other languages. “Beth” may sound nice in English, but it means “house” in Hebrew.

In England, a Miller ran a mill that ground wheat into flour. A smith was a metal worker (there are whitesmiths who made silver/tin implements, and blacksmiths who worked iron). A cooper made barrels, a fletcher made arrows, a Bowyer made bows, a lumberjack cut down trees and a Sawyer cut trees into boards.

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