What on earth are marketing “verticals”? Everyone seems to have a different answer.


What on earth are marketing “verticals”? Everyone seems to have a different answer.

In: 6

3 Answers

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Verticle marketing is when every member of the process – from production to distribution to marketing to sales – works together to push a singular vision of the product and sales process. They coordinate towards a common goal.

The best example of this would be McDonalds. McDonalds sets a global strategy for each of its products and _everyone_ in the process works toward that strategy: suppliers work to produce uniform goods that match the vision for the final product, marketing pushes a vision, franchisees use that marketing and produce the final products to exact specifications, etc. Every step of the way, each part of the process is working to the same final vision of the McDonalds cheesburger you order.

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