What on earth is the speed of causality?


Saw this as an answer to another question and can’t wrap my head around the logic. What? How? Why??

In: 56

11 Answers

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It’s basically the speed of light.

But it has been abstracted to the speed of information interchange.

Consider two electrons. They exchange photons at the speed of light.

Now consider them being very far a part. Space is expanding at a rate that they are moving away from eachother slightly over 49% of the speed of light. They are still friends and they can share information. Very red shifted but they still play photon ping-pong.

But then space expand so much that they go 51%. None of the electrons are even near faster than light, but their relative speed is now 102%.

So they can’t share anything. Not even a single photon as it will never catch up. That’s the speed of consequence. Where one particle simply can’t have any effect on the other.

There are entanglement and why not strings that muddies the water; but the idea is that once you get over the speed of light, you are not part of our universe anymore. As gravity is also bounded at this rate it is better to talk about speed of consequence than speed of light.

But everyone says speed of light and that’s OK.

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