What prevents other animals/species from evolving and developing cognitively the same way humans have?


What prevents other animals/species from evolving and developing cognitively the same way humans have?

In: 145

40 Answers

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Like everyone else said there isn’t any driving force that necessarily steers a species in this direction. However it happened at least once so scientifically there is nothing preventing another species from evolving to be more like us cognitively. I’d say realistically it would be us humans that would prevent it, because you better believe if a species started organizing farms and developing complex social structures we’d be jumping in to interfere, study them, try to “help” and we’d most likely mess it up for them if not cause their extinction.

Humans already split up the entire Earth and assigned ownership to different groups. Imagine some other species starts building a society and using resources, well some humans already decided you can’t do that here because this is Ohio and somebody owns that already.

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