what prevents people from using the routing and account number at the bottom of the check to steal from the account or write fraudulent checks?


what prevents people from using the routing and account number at the bottom of the check to steal from the account or write fraudulent checks?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing. I work retail and a best practice (stuff you should always do) I learned when checks were more common was to always put checks in the cash drawer where they can’t be seen. That way a person with good memory couldn’t memorize a check during the brief moment the drawer is open.

As a side note, routing numbers aren’t unique and are Bank specific. 125000024 is the routing number I found on the Bank of America website for Washington state just now. There. I’m halfway to stealing a check.

For clarity, when I say nothing, I mean that anyone who is stealing account numbers know how to do it. What stops me is I know its wrong. What stops you could be the lack of knowledge. Nothing is stopping someone who already does it and they have learned the best way to use the check info to profit.

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