What Radiation does and why is it so dangerous?


I’m watching Chernobyl and it said something along the line of “an atom Unanium is an bullet”. So is it like waves of atom that travel across like an explosion?
If so then why is the land is uninhabitable if the waves of atom already passed it?

Thank you

In: Physics

6 Answers

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Dangerous Radiation shoots out a constant stream of tiny bullets that have a chance to interact with your body’s molecules. More radiation is more chances/impacts. The two key risks are 1. Damage to DNA resulting in abnormal cell behaviour (ie cancer), 2. If too many of your cells take damage in too short a timeframe, even if none of them were cancerous your body has too many cells to repair and will fail.

I don’t know that much about physics but I think it’s an interesting topic. Try to read about gamma radiation. That should send you down a Wikipedia rabbit hole.

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