: What really is Second person view?


I’ve seen first person view, I’ve seen third person view, but never second person.

In: Other

16 Answers

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When you’re thinking about story telling, you’re talking about action. How a person interacts with a person or object is the story. So being told by the person acting is first person (“I did this.”) Third person would be when you view or describe an interaction as a third party, from a distance (“He did that.”) In writing, second person would be used only if the story is being told directly to you, meaning the character is addressing the reader as a character. This is mostly seen in non-fiction, when someone is teaching you something. (“You are doing this.”)

In video games or movies (though rarely movies) the interaction is first person when the action is being done from your perspective, and second when you’re on the receiving end of the interaction. A conversation would flip back and forth between the two perspectives.

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