What the heck is the difference between union and non-union when it comes to work and why does everyone seem to majorly prefer union?


Seriously, I’ve heard so many people cheer on union but when I search up what it is I don’t understand it in the slightest bit.

Please, explain like I’m five.

In: 7

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you work in a factory and complain to the owner about poor conditions… he’ll just fire you and hire somebody else who won’t complain.

Imagine all 500 workers in the factory together express their concerns over poor conditions. He’ll be much more likely to address the issues because he can’t just fire and re-hire an entire factory full of workers. That’s what a union does… speaks on behalf of the entire workforce as a collective.

This gives workers more leverage in the relationship, to demand better pay, better working conditions (safety, realistic quotas, hours, etc).

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