What the heck is the difference between union and non-union when it comes to work and why does everyone seem to majorly prefer union?


Seriously, I’ve heard so many people cheer on union but when I search up what it is I don’t understand it in the slightest bit.

Please, explain like I’m five.

In: 7

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The union allows employees, as a group, to negotiate a set of rules that must be followed by the employer and employee.

Some examples of rules that may be collectively negotiated:

* If working a full day, guaranteed an hour-long lunch break and two ten-minute rests midday.
* Additional compensation (“overtime”) for work on a holiday, Sunday, overnight, or work beyond a specific number of hours in a workweek / day.
* If asked to operate dangerous machinery, specific safety considerations must be adhered to (e.g., personal protective equipment, training, etc)
* If an employee is to be terminated, it must be for just cause and follow a specific protocol.

In contrast, an “at-will” employee would have to negotiate for these individually. Generally, that person will have less bargaining power and knowledge to do so. For that reason, many employers prefer “at will”.

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