What the hell is virtue signalling?


What the hell is virtue signalling?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Having a belief system and desperately lording it over others, in hopes that people will have a better opinion of you. Whereas, truly virtuous people, just do the right thing without thinking about it, let alone calling attention to it.

Eg. Major companies like Wendy’s supporting BLM… I don’t give a fuck if Wendy’s supports BLM, I just go there for Baconators, not political leanings.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Any action taken primarily to show to others you support a certain cause or action, as opposed to simply doing so.

For example, someone who gives money to homeless people isn’t virtue signalling, but someone who posts online that they give money to homeless people is. Someone who gives money to a homeless person so they can later post online photos of themselves giving money to homeless people is doing something good, but also virtue signalling.

Note that attempting to gain outside support for a cause, such as people who collect for charity, aren’t necessarily virtue signallling, if their primary motivation is to actually get others to help as opposed to trying to gain recognition for their own contributions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a phrase used to describe someone that goes out of their way to publicly declare they are against something that most of society is already against. It tends to usually involve someone who is not impacted by this issue, using the cause to promote themselves.

Nike making ads to claim to be against discrimination is considered virtue signaling because they have openly defended the CCP.

Another example would be celebrities telling people that “we are all in this together” while recording a monetized video from their million dollar homes.

Leonardo DiCaprio giving speeches about how we are the problem with climate change, while exclusively flying private, and owning multiple ships, goes without question.

It’s a general claim for hypocrisy about a social issue that you are pretending to support.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Virtue signaling” is the accusation that people do good deeds not because they are good people who want to change the world for the better, but because they are selfish people attempting to *appear* virtuous to “score points” in society.

It’s usually an indication that the person making the accusation is a selfish person who doesn’t understand the concept of doing good for its own sake.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s basically calling out bad behavior or social injustice *not* because you are personally concerned about fixing it, but because you know that a lot of people hate that behavior and by speaking out against it you will gain a positive reputation/feedback. And at the same time you’re not really doing much about it yourself, maybe drawing attention to it but because everyone already hates it you’re not changing many minds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Going on social media and sharing that you just bought a new Tesla to do your part to fight climate change.

Buying an electric car is a good thing, everybody should do it because it attacks one of the hardest parts of excess CO2, transportation. But, when you’re sharing it on social media to show that you’re a good person, that’s virtue signaling.