What the notion, “The fight against ape hood is fate versus free will”, means?


What the notion, “The fight against ape hood is fate versus free will”, means?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not familiar with the saying. But it sounds like our battle to resist natural instinct (fate) compared to us using critical thinking developed parts of our brain (free will). I.e, doing things purely based on natural instinct, is the same process as fate. Where as being human and thinking through decisions and having choice, is the notion of free will.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The wording is weird and sounds like someone trying to be smart. However some people don’t believe that humans are Apes. But its scientifically proven we are. In order not to believe this you would essentially be relying on faith and not facts. In the philosophical crowd people like to talk about destiny(fate) vs freewill(choice) this is usually in the context of a all knowing god vs a human.

Example. You go to a icecream shop. If god is all knowing yhen he knows youre going to ger chocolate with gummybears on it. Because its your destiny(fate). But non believers would say when you go to order youre making a choice(freewill) and you could order vanilla with sprinkles. This is the general gist. But its all semantics and has different rules or definitions depending if they try to bring science into the discussion.

Just remember philosophy isnt science. Some words are vague and encompass too large a meaning. Lots of what if day dreaming.