What the ‘placebo affect’ is and how it affects our bodies/minds


What the ‘placebo affect’ is and how it affects our bodies/minds

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A placebo is related to psychosomatic medicine. Psychosomatic meaning brain, and body.

It is a fancy way of saying that your state of mind can affect/change the physiology of your body and how it is working.

A simpler way of explaining this is the saying “if you think your sick, youll get sick”. Basically if you believe your sick your, mind can influence your body to react accordingly.

So with a placebo, a drug that doesnt actually do anything, if you think that “drug” really is doing something then your body may react like it really is taking a drug.

For example you have a headache, so you want to take a pain killer. If you think youre taking a pain killer but are really taking a placebo, then you may still get beneficial results because your brain makes your body think it took a pain killer even though you really didnt.

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