What was Jung’s primary idea of introversion vs extroversion because AFAIK he wasn’t talking about sociability? Also could it be that most people are extroverted, by his definition?


Am I not an extrovert according to Jung if I don’t find anything exciting in “social” situations or inside my head either? I rather read books and listen to music or in the past I played videogames. I don’t really philosophize or meditate. Not liking people’s company could be introverted, but seeking outside stimulation is theoretically extroverted. Or not?

In: Other

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re correct that Jung’s definition of introversion and extroversion are different from the modern explanations.

>Jung (1923) described extroverts as preferring to engage with the outside world of objects, sensory perception, and action. Introverts he described as being more focused on the internal world of reflection, are thoughtful and insightful.

Jung (1923) believed a balance between extroversion and introversion best served the goal of self-realization.

Jung’s theory differs from more modern perspectives of introversion and extroversion which tend to focus on the behaviors associated with the traits (e.g. sociability and assertiveness).

>Whereas Jung’s theory is expressed through perspectives: introverts viewing the world subjectively, extroverts viewing it objectively. Because of this, perhaps Jung’s theory is limited in terms of describing introverts and extroverts.

Source: [https://www.simplypsychology.org/introvert-extrovert.html](https://www.simplypsychology.org/introvert-extrovert.html)

By Jung’s definition, you are probably more of an extrovert. You are probably “engaging with the outside world of objects, sensory perception, and action” when you are playing video games.

Reading books is a little messier. When you read books, are you fully immersed in the book, or are you pausing to reflect on it and interpret it? When you are done, do you spend time thinking about concepts the book brought up?

The main difference is whether you like to be out of your head and immersed in what you’re seeing/touching/doing, vs. in your head and interpreting it? Jung thought that the best approach was somewhere in between. Not always in your head, not always doing things without reflecting on them.

I wouldn’t worry too much about whether or not Jung would find you an extrovert. Jungian psychology formed the basis for a lot of modern psychology, but isn’t typically practiced as he originally formulated it.

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