What’s happening in your brain when you are “losing your mind” from lack of sleep?


What’s happening in your brain when you are “losing your mind” from lack of sleep?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not a sleep doctor here, but as I understand sleeping (and dreaming) has many a purpose one of which is to move memories around from different places in the brain that have different functions.

One of them for example is to move short term memories to long term memories (if at all important, judged in some fashion by dreaming).

So when you don’t do sleep, all of that and including the regulatory processes in the rest of your body doesn’t take place or if it does it doesn’t do it as well as it could’ve, and so your brain starts acting up: things are full, things are hot, things are misconnecting.

Just ask any parent when they had their first child about the effects of lack of sleep.

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