What’s happening inside a chicken egg that makes it float differently depending on how fresh it is?


What’s happening inside a chicken egg that makes it float differently depending on how fresh it is?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is an air bubble inside the egg, which is small when the egg is freshly laid. As the egg gets older and starts losing moisture, that air sac inscreases in size, until it is large enough to make the egg buoyant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bacteria gets in the shell and creates gases. This can happen if you take the cold eggs out of the fridge and condensation builds up. The shell is able to absorb moisture and bring in bacteria that was just sitting on the shell. Also the liquid inside is losing moisture in the fridge because of the low humidity in there. It’s possible that there was no bacteria in the egg and that it floats only because of moisture loss..but why risk it. Eggs are cheap and it takes well over a month for eggs to start floating..