what’s is radiation and does everything emit radiation?


what’s is radiation and does everything emit radiation?

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18 Answers

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There’s a few different kinds of radiation.

There’s electromagnetic radiation, which is basically light, everything from radio waves up to gamma radiation. X-rays and higher frequency waves are called ionizing, because they are powerful enough to knock electrons away from atoms, and will cause damage to living tissue.

Everything that has some heat (so everything), gives off some amount of electromagnetic radiation, mostly infrared radiation.

The other type of radiation is particle radiation, tiny bits of atoms that have gotten knocked free, and are moving really really fast. There are different types of particle radiation, groups of protons and neutrons (alpha), electrons (beta), and just plain neutrons. Each of them have different energies and will go through matter more easily.

Most matter has some small portion of its makeup that are unstable atoms. These atoms will spontaneously lose parts, and those parts are radation. Some matter (like uranium), is more unstable then others, and are more radioactive then others.

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