What’s outside/beyond our observable universe?


Is it like that scene from Spongebob where Squidward was alone in an empty white void?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Likely more universe.

We observe things going ‘back’ in time the further we look because light takes time to travel.

If you stood one one side of a sports field and a friend clanged a shovel on the goals on the other, you’d see them move and then hear the sound a fraction after the movement. Get far enough away and your friend would move, then you’d see it after a delay, then you’d hear the sound a while after that.

For the edge of the observable universe, the things have moved, but because we’re so far away, we’re only just starting to see their initial movement so to speak.

Beyond the edge of the observable universe, the universe has been doing its thing since the beginning, but we’re only just starting to see it. So thus beyond the ‘edge’ of the universe is likely just more universe.

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