What’s so special about clawfoot tubs?


Whenever I watch design shows or travel shows, the presenters always seem to make such a big deal about clawfoot tubs. Are they really that special? Is there some kind of history to them? Aren’t they just like any other bathtub?

In: 5

8 Answers

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Along with the size and shape factors most others have mentioned. There’s also the fact of not being “installed” in a fixed spot like modern tubs.

With a claw foot tub, you can place it anywhere with sufficient drainage, or the ability to drain it without simply flooding the room it’s in. Having plumbing run to it isn’t always necessary either. You could simply fill the tub from another source using buckets/kettles.

This makes them particularly well suited for what used to be called “loft” or “studio” apartments in big cities. The type of apartments that are in buildings that used to be factories, that sort of thing.

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