What’s the difference between a catapult and a trebuchet?


Both throw something heavy a long distance but what separates the two?

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9 Answers

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Catapult is actually a generalized term that includes trebuchets, but we generally differentiate the two. It also includes ballistas (big ass crossbows)

When you think “Catapult” you are probably thinking of a [torsion catapult like an onager](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Onager_with_sling.png) where slightly stretchy ropes are twisted really tight around the throwing arm. The throwing arm is brought down which twists the ropes even more, and when its released as the twisted tension (torsion) in the ropes pushes the arm back upright with a lot of force.

The common [trebuchet](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Trebuchet_Castelnaud.jpg/1280px-Trebuchet_Castelnaud.jpg) is gravity powered. It is a big tower with the projectile at one end of a long arm and a heavy counter weight at the other much shorter end. When released, gravity pulls the counter weight down and because the projectile is on a much longer arm it accelerates quickly and throws a heavy stone quite a distance. You can scale trebuchets up stupid high as long as the arm is strong enough and the tower is tall enough to let the counter weight fall. [Warwolf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warwolf) was probably the biggest trebuchet and was probably 400 feet tall when fully assembled.

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