what’s the difference between a physiotherapist and an osteopath (Australia)?


what’s the difference between a physiotherapist and an osteopath (Australia)?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An osteo is like a chiro in that they do the same thing. They both manipulate joints and it may or may not give you temporary relief but you’re back at their shop in a week or month. A physio gives you a set of exercises that helps solve your problem permanently by building strength, flexibility, balance, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m in the US and have experience with doctors, physical therapists (our version of physiotherapists) and chiropractors.

Here doctors focus largely on medical treatment, but also don’t care about many minor-moderate issues.

For example proper arch support in shoes can help fix knee pain for many people. It’s not medical or scientific – but a good cobbler might make a pair of shoes that helps your knees. Now Podiatrists have caught on and sell orthotics.

I have 3 herniated discs in my neck that degenerated and got arthritis (MRI diagnosed). This pinched nerved that went to my shoulder causing a muscle in my shoulder (teres minor) to get paralyzed (EMG diagnosed). Because of the loss of nerve signal in my shoulder, my shoulder would pop (joint sublaxation – MRI finding) every time I raise my arm.

Regular doctors couldn’t do anything about it. They suggested ibuprofen pills, but that didn’t do anything to help it.

In my case I found the best recovery option was combining chiropractic with physical therapy. The chiropractor would straighten out my neck and use cervical traction to stretch it out. This unpinched the nerve – albeit for a few hours or maybe a day or two.

After seeing the chiropractor, because the nerve was unpinched, my shoulder would work better which made shoulder exercises by the physical therapist more effective.

The chiropractor temporarily straightens my body and fixes my posture. The physical therapy exercises helps maintain that better posture longer term.

Eventually I found that once I learn the physical therapy exercises, I can do those at home. And after a few years I have great posture and keeping my head up prevents the nerves from getting pinched. This lets my shoulder work better and it no longer pops.

But there’s a lot of overlap between chiropractors and physical therapists. Both use traction, both use TENS, both use ultrasound therapy, both sometimes do massages, both can recommend stretches.