What’s the difference between B and H fields? Why are there two separate concepts?


What’s the difference between B and H fields? Why are there two separate concepts?

In: Physics

Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t explicitly mention it, but i think you’re talking about magnetic fields.

No physicist here, but i learned the basics of this this.

This is tough to ELI5, as it is even hard to get when you study it.

B is magnetic flux, where H is the field strength.

B = µ * H

(actaully its vector B = µ * vector H)

Where µ is the permeability of the material.

That means, a higher field strenght or a more permeable material – or both – cause more magnetic flux.

There are no two separate concepts, but one. B and H are just different things which are interconnected via the material constant.

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