HAH! We had a customer in my (not related to breathing what so ever) store talking to us about how he “can tell that we breathe through our mouths” because of our chins? I think.. and that by breathing through our mouths at night we give ourselves adhd and other stuff. He said we needed to start “taping our mouths shut” at night.
He kept talking and I really just wanted to get back to my video I was watching before he came in and finally we agreed to for sure look it up and thanked him for enlightening us and he left.
That was a doozy of a day lol
To put it simply, your nose has more surface area between mucus membranes and the air before it gets to your lungs. The hairs and mucus membranes act as filters catching particulates and droplets, protecting your lungs. They also allow moisture to vaporize into the air so it’s not as dry on your lungs.
Your mouth is like a shortcut past your nose.
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