What’s the difference between electrical impulses and neurotransmitters?


What’s the difference between electrical impulses and neurotransmitters?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nerves are made up of long wire looking cells called neurons that send an electric signal down the length of their body. When the signal reaches the end of the neuron, the electrical signal triggers the release of little chemicals called neurotransmitter that latch on to the head of the next neuron in line and make that neuron send an electrical signal down its body until the signal reaches where it needs to go

Anonymous 0 Comments

Impulses are electrical signals that travel through nerves like turning a light switch on and off, neuro transmitters are chemicals that occupy space between neurons in the brain and they help the electric to “jump” from one to another.

The more transmitters the faster the brain goes.
Like how having a bigger cord can move more power through it.

Edit: I think.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that act upon cells. Electrical impulses travel along the cell to induce the release of neurotransmitters onto other cells. Neurotransmitters can cause electrical impulses in cells, and electrical impulses in cells can cause neurotransmitters to be released.