What’s the difference between mechanical keyboards and normal keyboards? Why do pro gamers prefer mechanical keyboards?


What’s the difference between mechanical keyboards and normal keyboards? Why do pro gamers prefer mechanical keyboards?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

imo, it’s mainly marketing. but there are build quality differences between a mech keyboard and cheapie membrane keyboard. mainly in the tacile response, ie the keypress feel. the keys themselves have different range of movements until when the key is actually registered and how far you need to press and how much force you need to use. and of course the clicky noise. we actually started off with clicky noisey keyboards back in the day. then people didn’t like them because they made too much noise/too bulky/too expensive and we all switched to cheapie membrane keyboards that don’t have a good tacile response. but then when esports took off, pc accessories started becoming a huge market. so a lot of companies started making them and paying programers to use them.

but one thing that most mech keyboards have is N-key rollover (which you can also get from non mechnical keyboards), if you hold down multiple keys in cheapie keyboards, some only remember the last key you pressed. so if you’re trying to do something fancy like strafe left, while moving forward, and jumping while also changing weapons and checking the scoreboard while also using your push to talk button… yeah that might not work as you intended.

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