What’s the difference between pedagogy and didactics as research fields and in practice?


Yeah, as the title suggests, I can’t really get my head around this.

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pedagogy is the field of teaching and theories relating to teaching in general, and didactics is a theory within that field. comminicative based theory is another theory thatis pedagogical because it concerns teaching but entails a specific way of teaching.

Pedagogy is to diactics what color is to red.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pedagogy is the field of science that focuses on childcare, education and teaching. Didactics is the study of learning and teaching. It’s a subcategory under pedagogy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, let’s say a high school teacher needs help to develop his/her classroom and teaching style. Is that a didactic issue or a pedagogic? Or both?