What’s the difference between single double quotes? When and where should each be used?


Tried a Google search but it is always someones interpretation through experience as opposed to hard and fast facts about its use. From what I can gather, double is used for a quote and single quotes used for quotes within it, though sometimes I see single quotes used outside of a double quote…

Edit: *Difference between double and single quotes – title

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sometimes, single quotes are used to separate a discipline-specific term that may not be ubiquitous.

For example:
Redditors are expected to follow ‘Reddiquette’, lest they be smitten by the meme lord Cthulu himself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the US and most Commonwealth nations, single quotes are always for a quote within a quote.

A primary quote: “Wait, what did he say?”

A secondary quote: “He said ‘don’t be such a baby,’ so you can imagine how well she took that.”

There are, however, some regional differences where you see the use inverted. There are also some niche uses for single quotes that are not considered standard applications, but are nevertheless growing in popularity.

Some potentially helpful links:




Anonymous 0 Comments

Use double quotes for what was exactly said; use single quotes for what was kind of said 🙂