Whats the difference between the butterfly effect, the snowball effect, and the domino effect?


Edit: ok you guys, thanks for everything and all the explanations. you helped me.

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5 Answers

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The butterfly effect is the idea that in certain systems, a small change in an input variable can lead to huge changes in the output. Its name comes from the idea that a hurricane might not have happened if a butterfly three weeks earlier had flapped its wings one fewer times.

The snowball effect is the idea that the output of a system increases the value of future outputs – like a snowball: The bigger a snowball is, the more extra snow it accumulates as you roll it around your garden.

The domino effect represents simple chain reactions – do one thing and a series of events will cause another thing to happen. In speech, it’s often used to imply that the series of events is inevitable once the first domino has been triggered.

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