What’s the difference between the degrees of burns and how would you tell them apart?


What’s the difference between the degrees of burns and how would you tell them apart?


3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1st: simple sunburn or you briefly touched a hot surface. Red, painful.
“A first-degree burn refers to a burn injury where the surface of the skin is damaged, but the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin) is still intact, and therefore able to perform its functions (control temperature and protect from infection or injury).”

2nd: blistering
“damage that has extended through the epidermis and into the dermis (the second layer of skin)… indicates a loss of skin function.”

3rd: sometimes charred; skin is destroyed
“the burn has destroyed both the epidermis and dermis… There’s no easy way to tell the difference between a deep partial-thickness burn (2nd degree) and a full-thickness burn (3rd degree) when looking at it in the field”

4th: the underlying muscle / organ / bone is damaged.
“destroy all layers of your skin, as well as your bones, muscles, and tendons.”

+ + + + + +

1st & 2nd can be first-aided with cool water (NOT an ice cube or pack!) until the heat is over.

2nd might benefit from an antibiotic cream, but for an extensive area (or if the burn is on the face, hands, feet, or genitals) see a doctor instead.

ANY 3rd, 4th, or electrical burn GO TO THE HOSPITAL ER!!!!! No water on it, no cream/salve, just cover it with the cleanest thing you have & get help.

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