What’s the point of a band in the military?


What do they do for the military? Do they fight? Do they get paid? Are they outsourced musicians or are they actually part of the military? Also, why?

In: 6368

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, they are part of the military. Yes they get paid. The position is largely cerimonial nowadays but, drummers and such used to help keep cadence for large formations. (during the american revolution, etc)

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re ceremonial now, but historically drums (and trumpets and flags and such) were how you gave orders during a battle.

Edit: Wow. Did not anticipate that much attention to an offhand ELI5 answer. Here’s a link to some excellent options if you’d like to help Ukraine, be it humanitarian support or otherwise. Every bit helps: https://linktr.ee/RazomForUkraine

Edit v2.0: Shoutout to all the commenters for elaborating on my brief response. Made for some interesting reading

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are part of the military and go through basic training like other soldiers, or at least used to be. Source: my dad played drums for the Army band.

Edit for another fun fact: there are also Army artists! Or at least used to be. After my dad played in the band, he drew illustrations for Army manuals. Obviously this was way pre-digital era.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In warfare history, up to 80 years ago, you can’t radio anything quickly and even if, your radio would be intercepted.

The only way to give orders was a trumpet and drums, so was for centuries. The enemy could simply copy your trumpet and give false orders to your troops. So you bring a giant flag close to the trumpet and your soldier would obey only to orders coming from the trumpet below the big flag.

Army business is mostly marching, and less than 1% fighting. So now you have big flags and drums and trumpets, someone may say: let’s use them to cheer up the troops while walking thousand miles with 30-50kg backpacks.

Then why not, let’s use that on parades and cerimonial events. “If we show we have a great band and shiny flags, we are intrinsically showing we know how to do military stuff properly”

This being done for thousands of years, so it stick to the army culture.

If you have to show you are good, show you can play the music better than everyone else while you march at god speed, carry a fantastic huge flag for extra points.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Originally a band was a way for armies to march in even formation during battle. Music was also used to give orders over the loud cacophony of battle. Different songs signified different mass movements. As we stopped fighting in ranks the role became largely a tradition reserved for ceremonial occasions.

In the US, military band members go through the same training as everyone else in their respective branch. Though often times the physical standards are relaxed and the strictness of the training personell isn’t as rigid. Often times the band member will cross train on some other job. In the US Army specifically, band members actually become auxiliary MPs by policy; performing guard duties and monitoring enemy prisoners of war if deployed to a combat zone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ft Benning has brought back the [tradition](https://www.army.mil/article/160873/bugle_calls_part_of_army_tradition). When I was at basic training and jump back in the 80s I remember hearing like 8 different trumpet calls throughout the day with Taps playing as late as 11:00.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a Turkish infantry officer I think I’m the person to answer this question. Ottoman military band Mehteran was world’s first military band after all.

We know that militaries used drums to coordinate as late as 2500 years ago since Sun Tzu talks about that in Art of War. Ottomans used Mehteran for the same reason, different marches used to convey orders like attack, retreat etc. It’s also used to boost morale for your soldiers and decrease it for your enemy. Ottomans are known to siege a city and let the Mehteran play day and night for months to annoy them.

Today a military band is mostly ceremonial. Militaries depend on tradition like nowhere else. It was a tradition to march with a band, so we still march with a band. They have a very importnant function though : They organize formations. If there’s one of those big drums in the band your every single left step should match every single DUMM that big drum plays. So everyone walks the same speed and same step at the same time. It just looks and sounds better.

And yes. They are regular part of the military, I haven’t seen any band member on the front lines, they get paid and have ranks, authority etc. just like everyone else.

EDIT : Oh I remembered another function, social. We send our bands all around the world to play in different social functions. Since they are all professional musicians (at least in Turkish military) they can play a huge variety of songs and not just marches. I’ve seen the Air Force Band play jazz and stuff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have an ex-boyfriend who is musician (playes the bassoon) in a military orchestra in the German military. They are all professional musicians.

One of their purposes is to entertain the troops. They were sent to troops abroad quite regularly. And you won’t believe how much appreciated they are there.

Also ceremonial stuff is on their schedule.

Also they are playing a lot of concerts for the public like “civil orchestras” also do. And they are really good. I listened to complete Bach concerts by them and if you wouldn’t have seen them wearing uniforms you would’ve believed to listen to a big famous philharmonic orchestra.

The positions in military orchestras are rare and highly desirable because for professional musicians it’s one of the few jobs with a good regular income.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m sure today it’s purely for cultural reasons but back in the past, before we had things that posed a huge threat like nuclear deterrents and warplanes, they would’ve been used for all manners of things including but not limited to:

Intimidation: drums are naturally loud and ominous. If you heard about some army that used a particular beat and rhythm then hearing that beat and rhythm would be intimidating. Somewhat similar to a war cry.

Morale: having a beat to march to reinforces the uniform nature of the military. It would improve organisation because of having a timing for your march and also would give the soldiers something to soothe and encourage them.

Communication: a specific beat and rhythm could also confirm who an unidentified unit fought for, and whilst most examples I’ve given have been war drums, you can’t overlook the symbolic cavalry bugle. That’s still iconic today and they haven’t been used in ages.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was in military band in the 2000s. In addition to ceremonial, they act as a public relations mechanism. I played in their concert band, jazz big band, and rock band, we were touring/playing shows to general public the majority of year. Great times