Whats The Process Before My Voice Is Sent To A Cell-tower in a Phone Call?


So like, when I speak into my phone while on a call, whats the process before it gets sent out to the other person? Like my voice has to be turned into a digital signal somehow? And how does what software understand any of that?

In: 25

5 Answers

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A microphone vibrates, moves electrons in sync with the vibrations, which is measured by a computer chip canned an analog to digital converter. The digital data is fed to the phone system processor/modem (separate from the processor that runs apps!) and massaged into the right format to send over the air. The phone waits until it’s its turn to speak on the air and then sends the data.

Digital audio is just a measurement of where the microphone is, repeated thousands of times a second. Then we play it back on a speaker, making the same vibration pattern. Sound is air vibrations; air vibrates microphones and speakers vibrate air.

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