What’s wrong with mlms?


From my basic knowledge of mlm, you are basically just recruiting more people to work in a particular company, right? Why are so many people against mlms if you’re just helping people get jobs?

Edit: Okay I understand now

In: 2

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most mlm are scams. Basically using social pressure and Facebook algorithms to sell more product to make the owners of the brand lots of money.

A lot of them require you to buy product in order to become a salesman, but in the end a lot of the brands income is from people who bought into it for the purpose of becoming a salesmen but never turned a profit. They make more money selling the idea that you could be a salesman than they do actually selling product.

When you work for a mlm no one is paying your hourly wage, you are slave labour for that brand.

Some mlm that were actually profitable for everyone involved decide to cut out all the middle men. Lia Sofia was a jewelry mlm that decided to just drop all their mlm people one day and sell directly via their website/Amazon so all the mlm people were basically fired with no ability to claim unemployment, no ability to be reimbursed for unsold show products they were left with, etc.

Look at Amazon delivery drivers and other jobs that are contracted out. Brands contract out work instead of paying employees to do it because it is more profitable for the brand that way. If there was lots of easy money to be made they wouldn’t be contracting it out.

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