What’s wrong with mlms?


From my basic knowledge of mlm, you are basically just recruiting more people to work in a particular company, right? Why are so many people against mlms if you’re just helping people get jobs?

Edit: Okay I understand now

In: 2

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

MLMs had another name before. we called them Pyramid Schemes.

the issue remains the same on both, they effectively dont sell to actua lconsumers, they are selling to other “salesman” that is under them, they dont care if those ppl actually sell or not as long as they keep coming back to buy more and recruit more ppl down the line ot force more purchases. they dont care if you sell your stock, they just want you to buy more off them.

they had to rebrand ot MLMs because its was the legal way to avoid the folly of pyramid schemes..a pyrmaid scheme is illegal because nothnig is being sold, an MLM tries ot dodge this by selling something…just not ot end consumers(as often the goods they sell are worthless)

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