When a large flock of birds take flight suddenly (ex. if they’re startled) how do they know where to go instead of flying off in all directions?


When a large flock of birds take flight suddenly (ex. if they’re startled) how do they know where to go instead of flying off in all directions?

In: 188

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is all established that most of not all animals have senses that we do not have and some we even have trouble understanding our even believing in.

Science is just now starting to understand how birds fly south in winter! Little, tiny lensatic compasses? Nope. Some scientists in England are studying the magnetic sensory ability of birds. This allows them to know which direction is which.

Think of your dog, and how the hell does he know 5 monies ahead of time that someone will be walking down your road? Frankly, I’m thinking Animals can communicate telepathically. There is no rigid science that says no, that’s not possible.

It’s not smell. My dog is in the house. Not his sharp heating. Same reason. I’ll stick with Abimal ESP.

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