When a person is really drunk, they get told to drink water. What does the water do?



In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not much in the moment but I always drink a whole glass of water after I’ve drank alcohol because it helps rehydrate and keeps the hangover at bay.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It helps with dehydration. The alcohol suppresses a hormone that makes your kidney reabsorb water, making all the water go away in your pee.
That not only makes you dehydrated, but increases the concentration of alcohol in your blood, increasing the poisoning caused by the alcohol.
That way, when you drink water, it keeps you from dehydrating and dilutes the alcohol in your blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not much “in the moment” – alcohol still takes an hour per unit to metablozie/filter with the liver.

But the water will (may) dilute the alcohol in the stomach and MAY slow the absorption of not yet absorbed alcohol in the stomach -but it doesn’t help make them sober.

The same premiae applies if you drink an alcoholic drink, then drink a glass of water before another alcoholic drink. It phyaically takes up space in your stomach and dilutes the alcohol, thus slowing( to what actual extent is unknown) the rate if GETTING drunk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hope is to water down the alcohol they drank when they’ve had too much to handle. Trouble is, it doesn’t actually get rid of the alcohol they’ve already drink, and still gets peed out quick anyway. After you’ve had too much It’s better than nothing but not by much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Drinking water will make your body have less percent alcohol. It’s like those powdered drink mixes. If you put a full packet in a cup of water, it will taste stronger, like 50% powder 50% water. If you add more water, it will dilute the drink and make it more percentage water. When you ingest any non-alcoholic fluids while drunk, your body will have less percentage alcohol, slowing down the effect. It will also make you pee, which will get rid of a lot of the alcohol your liver and kidneys already gathered up to throw out.

When I binge drank I would not drink any water or eat, and would hold in my pee for very, very very long periods of time, because I knew I would get sober if I did any of these things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most obvious one is time spent drinking water is time not spent taking another shot. However, main purpose is to prevent alcohol induced dehydration which is one of the major factors for hangovers and headaches. That’s why we tell people to drink water when they’re already heavily drunk. Like others have mentioned, it does slow down absorption into the bloodstream somewhat due to dilution but in the end fluid is still fluid and will be absorbed fairly rapidly either way. Consuming actual solid food will be way more effective at that if you’re planning on using it as a preventative tactic to stay sober a bit longer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Did you ever notice that when you drink alcohol you piss more than you drink. That’s because it make your body dehydrate, piss away some of the water you had in your body. This include the water in your brain, your brain shrink and this is the sensation of hangover. By drinking water you are less dehydrated when you go to sleep and don’t have as much of an hangover the next day. But it doesn’t help you in the moment, just for the next day.