When a person is really drunk, they get told to drink water. What does the water do?



In: Biology

7 Answers

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Drinking water will make your body have less percent alcohol. It’s like those powdered drink mixes. If you put a full packet in a cup of water, it will taste stronger, like 50% powder 50% water. If you add more water, it will dilute the drink and make it more percentage water. When you ingest any non-alcoholic fluids while drunk, your body will have less percentage alcohol, slowing down the effect. It will also make you pee, which will get rid of a lot of the alcohol your liver and kidneys already gathered up to throw out.

When I binge drank I would not drink any water or eat, and would hold in my pee for very, very very long periods of time, because I knew I would get sober if I did any of these things.

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