When agreeing to cookies on a website, what exactly am I agreeing to?


When agreeing to cookies on a website, what exactly am I agreeing to?

In: Technology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From a technical perspective (not a legal one): It really bugs me that websites feel the need to put these warnings up.

Your browser is something *you* control. The web server is something that someone else controls.

You are a customer going to a place. The place is giving you a loyalty card because they aren’t going to remember for you.

It’s on you (and your browser) to keep and return (or not) that loyalty card.

So if you really care about privacy, tell your browser to not store or give back loyalty cards. Don’t trust them to tell you “don’t worry, we won’t give you a loyalty card, or use any you happen to give to us”.

However, you’re going to have a hard time using websites normally if you disable cookies entirely. Most websites require them, at least within a single “visit”, to work properly. Fortunately all browsers these days have a common option: “clear cookies on exit”

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