When atoms are made up of almost nothing and the cores cannot touch, how is it that stuff can be stacked on top of other stuff and touch?


My son asked me this today, and while I thought that I had a sorta kinda basic idea (the cores don’t need to touch as it’s enough if the the electron cloud-thingies interact), I could not explain it so he could understand and neither was I sure enough of this being the correct answer. Can anyone help?

In: 6

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technically it doesn’t touch. Whilst we see and here it ‘touch’, it’s still separated at that sub-atomic level by those opposing forces.

Just explain it to him that if you had a strong enough microscope (I don’t think one exists yet) you’d be able to see the gaps, and it’s actually the forces of these particles that hold things apart – similar to two magnets with the same pole.

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