When browsing the internet on a phone, why does the screen always seem to jump up or down at the exact same moment you click, causing you to click the wrong link?


So; I know the screen jumps up and down a bit as things like ads load.

But, it seems like more often than not everything is totally stationary and done loading, then in the exact moment I try to click a link, the screen jumps again causing me to click something totally different.

Is it in my head? Why does this happen?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They probably do it on purpose because they get money per how many people click on the ads.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its possibly just confirmation bias.

You remember the times it does it (“dang it did it again!”) But you’re less likely to remember the times it works as intended.

Pay special attention for the next few hours of scrolling and count how many times it actually happens. You may be surprised how small a proportion it really is.

Still sucks when it happens though!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe there’s a problem with the touchscreen? Does it happen on your other apps as well?

Anonymous 0 Comments

i think you may be too fast for the webpage. the page will load each element once at a time, and not in an order that might be obvious. you are likely aiming for the location of a link that isn’t in its final position.

Anonymous 0 Comments
