When did people stop believing in the old gods like Greek and Norse? Did the Vikings just wake up one morning and think ”this is bullshit”?


When did people stop believing in the old gods like Greek and Norse? Did the Vikings just wake up one morning and think ”this is bullshit”?

In: Culture

24 Answers

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One point is that polytheistic religions (like the Norse one) are usually more tolerant of other religions than monotheistic religions. To them the christian God would have been just another God and would see no problem in worshipping all the gods. It is quite common to find Christian crosses and Thor’s hammers in graves of a certain time period. Then gradually the local priests would convert the populace out of believing in the old Gods.

Sometimes people were converted by force, sometimes peacefully, but as the Christian faith had the backing of the elite (because being Christian was a smart move politically) in the long run they stood no chance.

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