When exercising, does the amount of effort determine calories burned or the actual work being done?


Will an athlete who runs for an hour at moderate pace and is not tired at the end burn more calories than an out of shape person who runs for an hour a way shorter distance but is exhausted at the end?
Assuming both have the same weight and such

What I want to know basically is if your body gets stronger will it need less energy to perform the same amount of work?

In: 1708

32 Answers

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Effort matters. But I have to say, exercise would be a lot more appealing if rather than focus on calories burned (assuming your exercising for weight loss), set your goals differently.

Set them towards *performance*, just a suggestion. Something you can measure that has nothing to do with the number on the scale.

Pick something that matters to you. Focus on that.

And if your goal IS weight loss, also focus more on putting the fork down. If exercise is boring you to the point where you’re going through the motions rather than mentally focused training, cutting calories takes less effort.

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