– When laying on one side, why does the opposite nostril clear and seem to shift the “stuffiness” to the side you’re laying on?


I’ve always wondered this. Seems like you can constantly shift it from side to side without ever clearing both!

In: 5742

5 Answers

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This is actually a reflex to pressure applied to the underarm, rather than gravity moving your turbinates. Laying on your back and tilting your head will not produce as much of a shift as laying on your side, even if the total rotation of your head is the same.

Wilde AD, Jones AS. The nasal response to axillary pressure. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 1996 Oct;21(5):442-4. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2273.1996.00823.x. PMID: 8932950.

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