When microwaving a bag of popcorn, why doesn’t the first kernel that is popped burn by the time the last kernel is popped?


When microwaving a bag of popcorn, why doesn’t the first kernel that is popped burn by the time the last kernel is popped?

In: Chemistry

14 Answers

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Just wanted to add that a bag of microwave popcorn actually has a metal layer in the bag. That is why it says to only put it a ceran way.

The metal layer getting really hot helps the popcorn pop.

After a certain amount of time the metal layer actually gets so hot it will burn the popcorn or maybe even start a fire.

If ever notice, a bag that only got a tiny bit burned, the burned popcorn is from the side of the bag that was down.

It wouldn’t happen if you just put a spoon popcorn kernels in the microwave.

Once they pop they don’t really absorb any more energy from the microwave.

They only burn if there is a hot metal layer underneath them.

Why do they do that?

Well it helps transfer heat and helps it pop up really fast.

The downside is you might make your entire house stink really bad if you cook it too long.

I recommend hot air poppers, or if you like to cook,. Do it the old way

Coconut oil is awesome, any oil works.
Do the 2 spoons of oil and a 1/4 cup of popcorn into a pot with a lid.

Takes 5 minutes, way more tasty.

I like olive oil and sea salt and some black pepper.

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