When nearly all animals use fat as their primary source of fuel, why do dietary guidelines advise a diet based on carbohydrates for human beings?


Apparently even cows, who eat grass, synthesize fats in their rumen. I could be wrong. Looking for some clarity on this subject. Thanks!

In: Biology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there are different kinds of fat. Trans fat is one kind, though I’ve forgotten the others since it’s been 3 years since I’ve last even thought about this haha.

So just like how Diesel is bad for gas cars, though they are both fuel, some fats are better or worse for people. Some fats help store energy, while others can cause cholesterol intake problems and heart disease in the long term.

Like, think of your arteries as a garden hose. If there is no mud in the hose, it will flow better, but over time of mud collects inside then the flow will slowly get worse and worse until no water at all can flow through, Cholesterol is that mud and the water is your blood. That’s when a heart attack occurs because the deoxygenated blood cells cannot get reoxygenated by the heart.

I hope this makes since. This is my first time on ELI5 so I honestly don’t know if this I’d a good format.

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