When people get a stoma, what’s stops the bit of intestine from going back inside the person


Is it sewn in place? Super glued?
Also does it hurt to touch?
I know a few people with Chrons disease but thought it maybe inappropriate to ask them!

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4 Answers

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Mostly abdominal pressure. The real problem is a stoma prolapsing out, not sucking in. Same reason that when you get a hernia things poke out making a bulge not sucking in making a dent.

Immediately after stoma creation and particularly in obese patients perioperative swelling can cause a stoma to pull back into the abdomen (which is a disaster) but after a few days the swelling goes down and prolapse become the risk.

To envision a stoma prolapse imagine holding the edges of the open end of a sock and then turning it partially inside out by pushing the toe inside towards the opening.

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